Information Meeting; 1:00pm to prepare your legal(will, power of attourney, living wills for healthcare directive) matters here on earth. Presented by representative from Atty. Max Rosenbergs office.
March 4th
Special Prayer Service 6:00pm to 7:00pm with mid week Bible study to follow at 7:00pm.
March 16th
Church Advisory Meeting 6:30pm
Church quarterly Meeting 7:00pm.
March 11th
Special Prayer Service 6:00pm to 7:00pm with mid week Bible study to follow at 7:00pm.
March 18th
Special Prayer Service 6:00pm to 7:00pm with mid week Bible study to follow at 7:00pm.
March 14th
St of CT. Ushers mid year meeting 10:00am. Noon day prayer. Daughters of the Kingdom meeting 1:00pm
March 21st
Missionary Visitation, west River Rehabilitation 10:30am.
March 25th
Special Prayer Service 6:00pm to 7:00pm with mid week Bible study to follow at 7:00pm..